WONDER® DRESSING & SEALER is a safe and durable, non-oil based product which provides a pleasant golden colour without darkening the teak or producing that fake coloured look. The special components in TEAK WONDER® DRESSING & SEALER seal the wood, blocking the penetration of dust and dirt whilst protecting the natural teak oils against ultraviolet rays, slowing the oxidation and discoloration process. The sealing treatment helps inhibit the penetration into the wood of liquids such as fuel, oil, fish blood, paints, etc. As long as these are not allowed to dry, they will be much easier to remove. TEAK WONDER® DRESSING & SEALER does not make the teak glossy or slippery, does not falsely darken the teak and does not build up an accumulation on the surface. The product is quick drying and does not smell. It is recommended that two coats are applied (with heavy brush strokes) on new teak. If teak is old or dirty, then the wood should be previously treated with TEAK WONDER®
€ 95,00